Profile PictureUniversal Marketing Theory


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Marketing simplified for small businesses - Develop a bulletproof marketing strategy in just 6 weeks

Ideal for marketers in small businesses and non-profits, "Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses" is the first in a series of courses developed as part of "Universal Marketing Theory" by Danni Eickenhorst. 

As the first, and most in-depth course offered, this course is ideal for anyone struggling to develop and execute on a marketing strategy that will help them grow (or even SAVE) their business. 

This course was developed as a support for small businesses and nonprofits seeking greater clarity on how marketing has changed and what that means for their business.


If you said yes to any of these, this class will be a LIFE-SAVER for you. Over the course of 6 weeks, lessons will be delivered to your inbox one at a time. Through progressive lessons and the homework assigned with them, you'll develop a BULLETPROOF marketing plan that you can feel confident will grow your business over time.

In this course, I break down marketing as a step-by-step SCIENCE rather than an ART - something anyone can do. I developed this course to take away the overwhelm of high-level creative and to focus on ways to meaningfully connect you with the people that will help you grow your business.


In 6 weeks, you'll learn:

  • The fundamentals of inbound marketing - How marketing has changed and what that means for your approach and your business
  • How to attract the right audience to help you grow your business
  • How to create content that connects with your audience
  • How to choose the marketing methods that are most appropriate for your organization's business goals.
  • How to measure success
  • How to create content with limited time & resources
  • Tools and tricks for lasting success


This course is a permanent addition to our education services and will be available whenever you need it. The only thing that is for a LIMITED TIME is the discount.

I took most of the last year to develop this course because I have encountered so many small businesses whose businesses NEED this knowledge. So, I designed it to be available for the long-run - with expertise and insights that will be on-point regardless of what happens with technology. 

In just 6 weeks, you will learn how to market in a way that grows your business - focusing time where it's needed, and not wasting it where it's not. 

Each week, a lesson is delivered to your inbox that includes:

-Instruction by Danni Eickenhorst
-A takeaway tool that you can use in implementation.

You'll have homework each week that builds upon itself - ultimately leaving you with a plan that you can begin to execute with confidence.

Throughout the course, we'll look at examples of the principles we're teaching to see how other businesses are exemplifying these best practices - and how you can adapt their approaches.

You can access Lesson 1 immediately  upon purchase. Future lessons will be delivered to your inbox weekly. You can listen to lessons on the go with Gumroad's iPhone app as well!

Lesson 1: Inbound Marketing Theory - Basics & Goals

Lesson 2: Attracting the right audience

Lesson 3: Motivation & Methods

Lesson 4: Converting prospects

Lesson 5: Measuring success

Lesson 6: Tools & Tricks for lasting success


Basic Course: Lectures + Materials - 6 weeks $199

Premiere Package: Lectures + Case Studies + Materials + 30 minute consultation with Danni Eickenhorst $299


“Right when Danni started at The Salvation Army, the tornado disaster in Joplin happened, and off Danni went to Joplin. Not for a day or two, but for weeks. Out of that tragedy, she got the best education imaginable on the great work done by The Salvation Army. Danni beautifully captured the essence of what The Salvation Army does in a disaster with a round the clock intensity that had never been seen before. She blogged. She tweeted. She shot video. She posted content on FaceBook. She captured the kindness, humanity and support offered by The Salvation Army that started moments after disaster struck and continued on for months afterwards. Then, once back in St. Louis, she began reaching out to the Twitter community and got them engaged with The Salvation Army by invited them to events via Twitter – again, a first. Danni is always leaning and leading forward. She is amazing.”

-Jane Langa, Campaign Donor Director, Ranken Jordan Children’s Hospital

"Danni is a strategic and creative thinker who has given us solid help with marketing in the real world of limited resources and tremendous competition for attention. She stays on top of social media as it continually evolves and has given us a much better understanding of how to use it effectively. And she and her team are delightful to work with!"

- Janice Branham, The OASIS Institute

"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Danni during her time as head of communications for Great Rivers Greenway and can’t speak highly enough of her work. She is one of the most strategic, creative, hard working, results-driven individuals I’ve encountered in my 20+ years in the communications industry. She takes the art of communication to new highs and does so with an energetic enthusiasm that makes her a joy to be around."
- Julie Hauser, Hauser Group PR

"Upon meeting Danni you will be captivated by her inquisitive mind, unlimited energy, megawatt smile and delightful sense of humor. A small town girl with big city ideas who defies gravity when it comes to getting the word out about her latest project. She works both hard and smart - has a tremendous amount of business savvy and an endless supply of creative ideas tucked neatly into specially marked compartments in her brain…which by the way, does not seem to have an off switch. Danni is an amazing talent who, like the classic circus performer, always manages to keep several plates spinning on a stick without any of them ever crashing to the ground."
-Bob Mogley, advertising executive

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Access the course starting November 23rd! Weekly lessons will be delivered include a lecture, a case study, and worksheets/tools to help you implement what you've learned!

Basic (Lessons only)
Premium (Classes + Worksheets & Tools + 30 minute consultation with Danni)
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